New Logo
I have upgraded our logo
I would like to say thanks to imreallyhigh our new graphics editor. He’s also doing a “Big” project with us. So stay tuned!
I really want to hear your feedback of our new logo. Feedback it or email us
I’m really sorry for not updating the customs section for a while now. Ive been really busy with alot of stuff especially planning the big iTunes giveaway. I promise to update the customs section in a weeks time!
Thanks Graallians!
like the new logo
Hello! SoulSlayer! 🙂 I need to tell u somthing ! 😀 I want Queen of hearts customs! Please email them or put it in the blog ,,, thanks! 😉
Ohhh :0 too bad you won’t get them
Hi I would like a Cross logo plz thanks email or put it in logo thanks