Era weekly newspaper

Welcome to our brand spanking new weekly newspaper edition volume 1 XD ( Beta)( still improving lol..)

We continue to enhance and improve the Reading experience at graal depot!

Cinco De Mayo !

Its Cinco De mayo! Celebrate it at the new store

Just Dance!

The Cinco De Mayo shop is opened! Find it on your map (Shops > Places)

Realistic weather simulator released!

Realistic simulates the real world weather real time!

A new Weather System has been designed! To turn it off, tap on player > options > less effects!

Church renovated!

A new church has been added to Era! To propose tap on the player > more actions > propose!

Video Competition!


Want to be a era movie star? Anyone that makes a video based on Graal Online Era will receive a special dedicated item based on their video.

For more info check out

We will be looking forward to see you awesome era videos!!

Lokki’s Hat Shop

Lokki’s hat shop has opened up! Can you find his shop? 🙂 Find it In your map (shops > hats) For sexy hats

This Weeks Challenge

Can you find Martha and tell her you love her?

Find her you get a little treat 🙂

Hint: its in the over world 🙂

~This weeks Tops Base takers~

  1. Ebizou Base
  2. Obsidian
  3. iFreeze

~This weeks Top gang spars~

  1. Obsidian Spar
  2. Obsidian
  3. Tainted Angels


We would love to hear you comment and feedback on how we can improve our weekly newsletter

Well that’s it for this weeks update newsletter! Be looking forward to next weeks edition!!

see ya soon!


Source: graalonline era

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